Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tourist joggers in DC and other notes

I was not the only one taking a tourist jog this morning. There was a number of people taking the steps up to greet Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial. Then we looked at the sun rising behind Capitol Hill as Washington DC now turns pink due to all the cherry blossoms. I don’t know if it was the beautiful morning or if it is a every day thing in DC, but most of the morning joggers greeted one another where ever they met. Very nice start!

I also had time to pass by associate professor Silvio Waisbord's office at the School of Media and Public Affairs at the George Washington University. He has a great knowledge of the media developments i Latin America and became quite interested in the IWMF conference. GWU is hosting many of the events at this conference.

Now I am soon off to the National Press Club for the opening night reception and to listen to Diane Saywer, ABC news anchor. Exiting!

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