Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time to Step Up

On the global debate about gender equality in the media there is often a demand for regional discussions. I am privileged to be part of such a project, Nordic Gender & Media Forum, organized by Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg.
During 2014 there will be a number of activities where of course the work of IWMF will be an important part of the discussion.

Here is the book!

We are many happy co-authors that just recieved this book in the post. It feels so good.
Standing ovations to Carolyn M Byerly for the work that she has done as an editor.

My engagement in this project started in Johannesburg already in 2008, at the Gender Summit organized by Gender Links.At the summit Carolyn M Byerly announced that IWMF were looking for regional coordinators. Five years later the book is here! 

The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism